Our word is only worth the real-life results we provide for our members.
Their stories are first-hand accounts of the quality, dedication, and resilience they've experienced here at Resilience Code.
"This is the first medical establishment where I feel seen...people listen to me, there’s eye contact...I feel seen and heard. I feel seen for the first time. This doesn't happen in healthcare."
-Celest C, Infinite Health
"It's important that I don't miss a day training. That's why I go to Resilience Recovery. I put my body through intense training every week, and the recovery tools and staff have helped keep me healthy, which allows me to continue to put in the work and get better. I've never felt better or more in control of my body."
-Christian McCaffery, NFL Running Back for the Carolina PantherS
"I cannot begin to say enough about all of the phenomenal staff that I am working with here at RC! Each team member provides the highest quality in their focus area. Their focus on providing excellence sets RC in a league of its own. So my staycation at RC in the tremendous care of Nick, Erica, Meg, & Jackie has involved a lot of work, recovery modalities, massage work, and so much more making it a summer well spent!"
-Peg G | (303) 577-1916
99 Inverness Drive East Englewood 80112