Golf Code

Unlocking the code for an optimal golf swing
Resilience Code Physical Therapy is now offering a comprehensive golf screening process designed to identify, address and fix movement and strength limitations in the golfer. These limitations can create swing faults that lead to decreased golf performance and oftentimes pain.
Brent Crispin is Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Certified to evaluate the body from head to toe in order to determine the causes behind a golfer’s pain or performance issues on the course or the range. Facts: 18/20 PGA Major Championships were won by players advised by a TPI Certified Expert, 25/30 of the top players in the world are advised by a TPI Certified Expert and 47/50 of Golf Digest’s top golf fitness professionals are TPI Certified.
What is Golf Code?
Golf Code is a systematic and comprehensive movement screening process utilizing the TPI golf movement screen to determine the cause(s) of a golfer’s pain or performance issues involving swinging a golf club. Once the issue(s) are identified, Golf Code involves teaching the golfer how to address and fix the problem(s) through movement and exercise so that they can perform optimally and without pain.

Where do I learn how to unlock my Golf Code?
Resilience Code Physical Therapy
99 Inverness Drive East, Suite 100
Englewood, Co. 80112
Who do I contact to schedule my Golf Code session?
Call Resilience Code Physical Therapy at (303)577-1938
What does it cost to unlock my Golf Code?
$150 | (303) 577-1911
99 Inverness Drive East Englewood 80112