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What Is Concussion Code?

ConcussionCode is extensive testing and evaluation by top professionals in the fields of neurosurgery, vestibular physical therapy, and neuropsychology.  We utilize evidence-based psychometrics, concussion specific testing, and state-of-the-art technology. All testing is done under one roof to create the most accurate diagnosis and treatment plan possible that is specific to the individual. Our comprehensive baseline testing, post-injury evaluations, and data driven interventions provides our team with the ability to identify the specific components of your injury in order to mitigate symptoms and develop a plan for recovery and return to performance.

a new approach to brain health


Test & Assess

Your road to recovering from a TBI or concussion begins here. The experts at Resilience Code will guide you through extensive testing to uncover potential dysfunction after concussions that most health providers tend to ignore.



After testing, we strategically curate a treatment plan specific to you. This comprehensive approach is unmatched, with top neurological experts in functional medicine and rehabilitation existing under one roof to create the most accurate diagnosis and treatment plan possible that is specific to the individual.


Execute Your plan

Our team helps navigate you through your individualized recommendations and plan. We also provide ongoing support to ensure success.

Possible additional recommendations include IV therapies, supplements, Physical and Vestibular Therapy, brain wave EEG training, bio-electric and sound therapy for nervous system regulation, and counseling support. These are all available on site at additional costs to your program.

The Resilience Code Difference

ConcussionCode is led by one of the nation’s leading neurosurgeon, Dr. Chad Prusmack. He is supported by functional medicine doctors and therapists who work with world class professional Olympic, collegiate athletes, and high performing executives from around the world. Our diverse clientele travel to Resilience Code from around the nation and beyond, as this comprehensive program uncovers the missing links that have left lasting symptoms with other program shortcomings.


the data extracted from our extensive testing


Vestibular Evaluation

Highly specialized and integrated vestibular and neurological rehabilitation designed to improve symptoms related to vestibular (inner ear/balance), autonomic and oculomotor tracking disorders.

We have the ability to mitigate symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, unsteadiness, blurred vision, neck pain, brain fog, headache and fatigue. Other measurements include eye tracking, eye-head reflexes, and regulation of heart rate and blood pressure. Balance is also tested on a moving platform.  

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NeuroQuant MRI

Neuroquant Brain MRI is a specialized type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that measures your volume of brain structures.

Quantify atrophy and assess neurodegenerative diseases in patients presenting with symptoms relating to memory and cognition.

Monitor changes in brain atrophy over time to determine if and how quickly a disease is progressing, and to measure the effect of treatment.

MindCode | The Brain

QEEG Brain Mapping

Brain Mapping gathers electrical information from various sites on the scalp under multiple conditions to better understand your current tendencies, functioning, and health.

We use brain mapping to identify areas of strength as well as areas that can be optimized through training for more effective performance, aiding in return to performance.


TBI Blood Paneling

Blood marker panel that tests the levels of specific biomarkers that show reactions to head trauma, or those that may exacerbate post concussive symptoms not typically identified in treatment of TBI. This reveal allows Resilience Code to treat the whole person beyond the concussion.


Balance Code

Our Balance code is an assessment of the three systems used for balance (visual, vestibular and proprioceptive) on a computerized and moving platform. Balance is key for all athletic performance and can be greatly affected by head trauma, impact, and/or injury. Our assessment allows for us to identify specifically where balance deficits exist. 



Using sophisticated algorithms on data provided by your assessment, a patented Individualized Training System will configure a brain-training program that matches your profile. The different training programs will ensure an optimal cognitive training by continually monitoring your performance and adjusting the selected tasks in real time.



Dynavision is a board that tests reaction time, coordination, and peripheral vision. Using Dynavision consistently can improve reaction time and multi-task ability necessary for everyday activities and sport.  It also gives our performance coaches insight into your readiness to train each day.


Excersise Tolerance

Heart rate and symptoms are measured with treadmill or bike, to determine the state of recovery of the concussion, and to guide exercise metrics.

unlock your codes and own your outcomes with resilience code

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